Have you ever achieved an outcome that was so great, it was beyond all expectations? And then had no idea how to do it again? What was it exactly that made it work soooo well? If only you could bottle and sell that recipe.

Well now you can! 

Just kidding, we don’t do late night infomercials. However, at Slice we have done a lot of experimenting, building, iterating and learning, and we do believe we’ve developed an approach that can make you successful as well. By that we mean anything from a shot in the arm for your productivity, to tweaking a part of your process to reduce stress and increase success. 

It’s exciting to share what we’ve learned and how we translated it into something that allows us to help others get where they’re going.

What we did

  • We built a platform: We built Slice Insurance Cloud Services (ICS) so we could put the tech in insurtech and brought it to the digital, on-demand world. 
  • We made it available to the world: If you’re an insurer, a tech company, a product company, a service company, or any other kind of company that offers insurance, you can subscribe to our platform and offer protection to your customers. 
  • We awesomed-up our tech: With cloud-based, micro-services we work with partners to create customized products and services specifically for the needs of your customers—without having to rebuild your existing systems. 
  • We capitalized on our awesomed-up tech: We knew we needed a strong methodology and approach for getting products to market quickly. So that’s what we did. Our approach is flexible, tailored to each partner and product, and supported by a variety of tools and techniques that drive innovation in insurance and customer experience.
  • We continued to innovate: Our platform was great. Our tech was great. But it can always be better. So we rejiggered our platform and made it available as a monthly subscription. It’s easier and more cost-effective for our partners. Can you hear them thanking us?
  • We turned it into a process: This is the bottled magic. Our methodology we can share with others! So get in touch, if you’d like to learn more.

What we learned (...so far…)

A subscription-based model allows partners to move quickly, and build trust and our working relationship along the way. It is the heart of our methodology. Here are some more genius things about our subscription:

  • We can jump right in: There’s always a resource investment (time and people) when picking a partner to work with, and the biggest challenge is validating if you can effectively work together. Our subscription agreement removes that risk. It lets partners experience our tech, our approach, and our capabilities right out of the gate, all while delivering a product to market.
  • We can save costs: There is no large, upfront investment, and if it doesn’t work out we can all go our separate ways at the end of the subscription—no annual contracts to fulfill.
  • We can front load the methodology: We use our methodology to help you understand how it all works and how we all work together. You can experience our approach hands-on and go through the early steps of getting a product to market right within the sales process. Doesn’t get much better than that. Connect with us and we can get you started!

As you can probably tell, we aren’t shy about sharing. We think it’s the best way to get new ideas, learn from our combined experiences, and continue to innovate. Our methodology won’t stop evolving. It continues to keep pace with our ICS platform as we offer more and varied products.